Pics pics pics, come and get'em.

Ahhh, maxing and relaxing in Halong Bay.

Shian, Quentin and Rob on the boat in Halong Bay.

The challenging meal in Hanoi (tripe and mystery meat). It doesn't actually look all that bad in the photo!

Washing down the tripe with ice-creams: Kylie, Shian, me, Quentin.

Quent inside the Vinh Moc tunnels.

Me inside the tunnels.

Mad motorbikes at night in Hue.

Quent and the cheeky liddle girl at the tailor shop I frequented in Hoi An.

Fisherwomen in Hoi An.

Buffalo in Hoi An.
** I have a few more to go on, but blogger doesn't seem to want to let me put any more up today, I must have met my quota. Will try again tomorrow.
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