Me with little kid in Saigon... it was actually him that started doing the "hang loose" moves, not me!
Phill breaking loose some dance moves along the pavement outside the bar.
Quent with the little girl who was trying to sell us chewing gum. It took her two nights, but she got us in the end.
Phill, Quentin, me, Sue.
Holding a python up the Mekong. Choice!
Boats in a canal up the Mekong.
The floating market on the Mekong, Vietnam.
Quentin and lady rowing us up the floating village. We felt so bad for this wee woman having to haul our asses up the river. Tipped her a dollar and she did a little dance of happiness. Then, on the way back, I gave her 3 year old daughter a small boiled sweet - she took it and immediately threw the wrapper in the Mekong!
On a boat, having just crossed into Cambodia from Vietnam: Marc, Michelle, Guro, Anthony, Mark, Leigh, Caroline and Quentin just out of shot.
Looking pretty sweaty in a tuktuk rushing through the streets of Phnom Penh.
Ant after riding pillon on a moto to the Killing Fields. This was the only funny part of the visit.... we were not laughing after walking around.
Quentin and me trying to smarten up to go to the FCC for his birthday... he lasted about five mins in the shirt before sweat penetrated. It was so hot in Phnom Penh.
Our saviour in Siem Reap with the "Mr Whateverhappy birthday" sign.
The amazing Angkor Wat temple... incredibly you could just climb all over the temples. Angkor Wat itself has very high, narrow steps you can climb up to the top (where you can see the people in this pic)... but getting down is another story. Apparently a Korean guy had fallen to his death just a few weeks prior.
Michelle, Marc, Quentin and Ant waiting for the sunset at Angkor Wat.
The Bayon temple at Angkor.
The Elephant Terrace at Angkor.
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