Wednesday, December 13, 2006

A sad farewell.

It's been a sad couple of days for the Cameron family as our beloved Grandmother was admitted to hospital, and eventually died overnight last night. She made it to the age of 90 and had outlived our fantastic Grandfather by 23 years. She was the most sharp-witted, well-informed, happy and smiling woman, who was outstandingly loving and interested in her children and grandchildren and their lives.

One of Grannie and Grandad's greatest wishes was that their grandchildren would have the freedom to travel and experience the world, and indeed some money they gave me for my 21st allowed me to get a flight to the U.K back in 2000, where I have sent her a postcard from every single country (some 20-25 I think) I've been to since then. I am very sad that she never got a chance to get the ones I have posted from Cambodia and Laos... and of course that I will miss seeing her one last time by about three weeks.

I feel a long way away at this time, but will go to one of the beautiful temples here in Luang Prabang today and light some incense in her honour... and although I will miss the funeral, I will get a chance to scatter her ashes on Mount Maunganui beach with the family when I get home.


Blogger Belinda Tolua said...

Aw hun! My thoughts are with you and your whanau. I have no doubt she will be looking down on you as one immensely proud grandmother! Big hugs, B. xx

4:26 pm  

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