Friday, December 15, 2006

Kouang Si waterfall.

We finally got our lazy arses into gear today and went out of the main town of Luang Prabang to the Koung Si waterfalls. I am so glad we did! We had got a bit of an attitude after seeing a few waterfalls other places and giving it the good old Kiwi "we've got better waterfalls than that at home".

These ones were particularly ace though - something like six or seven tiers. We hiked right up to the top (with flip flops on of course, nothing silly like proper shoes) and went right across the top, looking down over all of the tiers (Dad, you would have hated it).

Then, back down for some fun jumping in from a tree which stretched across one of the lagoons. The water was icy blue and pretty cold but sooo fresh and beautifully refreshing. I've got a great pic of Quent in full flight jumping in... there are none of me in existence, my publicist has advised me against bikini shots.... apparently not my best side.

The icing on the cake is that there are enclosures for bears saved from poachers, and one with one tiger in it - wicked! I love tigers so much - we are going to go to the tiger temple when we are back in Bangkok after I discovered you can actually get in the enclosure with the cubs and pat them. Tu meke au.


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