Back East.
Yeaaah, we made it through our last mammoth bus journey today! We are really gluttons for punishment (or slaves to the budget). The most recent journey took 16 hours to get from Vang Vieng to Bangkok (tuktuk to VV bus station, minibus to Vientiane, tuktuk to centre of Vientiane town, local bus to Friendship Bridge border, "VIP bus" to Bangkok with annoying loud group comprised of one Israeli guy, one Danish bloke, two completely dim-witted English girls and one American lass who was a bikram yoga practising vegan who was "living consciously".... PLEASE. They talked loudly til about 2am, and were only rivalled by a man four seats in front of us who snored the loudest and most pig-sounding snorts I've ever heard).
Did we stop there? Did we heck. Arrived in Bangkok at 5am and after a quick refuel at Maccy D's (don't judge, it was the only thing open) we headed off in a taxi to the Southern bus terminal for a local bus to Kanchanaburi. Got here at 10.30am. Phew. Good to have that behind us. More from the 'buri soon.
Did we stop there? Did we heck. Arrived in Bangkok at 5am and after a quick refuel at Maccy D's (don't judge, it was the only thing open) we headed off in a taxi to the Southern bus terminal for a local bus to Kanchanaburi. Got here at 10.30am. Phew. Good to have that behind us. More from the 'buri soon.
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